Polaris is an adult community choir led by Ryan Henwood, Rebecca McCauley, and Nelle Callanan. The ensemble rehearses on Monday nights, and is characterized by diverse, mid to high level choral repertoire, and in-depth reflection on social change topics. Polaris is suited for folks who come to the ensemble with pre-existing choir experience and foundational understandings of social justice practices, but is open to anyone who is interested. The choir is supported by section leaders, social dialogue coordinators, a collaborative pianist, and administrative coordinator. Polaris is the flagship ensemble for Choirs for Change, and it performs regularly in community events such as marches, rallies, and festivals.
Polaris performs five to six times per season, and membership ranges between 60-80 members at any given time. For more information on joining Polaris, click here. Please note that Polaris is currently accepting lower voices (tenors, baritones, and basses) and has a waiting list for upper voices (sopranos and altos).
Polaris performs five to six times per season, and membership ranges between 60-80 members at any given time. For more information on joining Polaris, click here. Please note that Polaris is currently accepting lower voices (tenors, baritones, and basses) and has a waiting list for upper voices (sopranos and altos).